Current Projects

Human-centred generative Ai fraMework for culturaL industriEs’ digital Transition (HAMLET)
Funded by: Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-01-03)

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou

Started: Jan 2025 , Will be ending: Dec 2027

The «HAMLET» project aims to democratize access to Generative AI for Europe's Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), enabling entities of all sizes to benefit from AI for digital transition. It integrates a collaborative platform and AI tools to foster shared investments, collaboration, and innovation while promoting sustainable and inclusive frameworks for creative industries.

Empowering Skills for Butterfly Monitoring to Enable Resilience to Climate Change (EMBRACE)
Funded by: Erasmus+, Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training (Call 2024 Round 1 KA210-VET)

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Charalambos Vasileiou

Started: Dec 2024 , Will be ending: Nov 2025

The «EMBRACE» project aims to improve butterfly monitoring, contributing to EU environmental and biodiversity goals, particularly regarding climate change resilience. It engages farmers, agronomists, environmental scientists, and other stakeholders through education, including e-learning, a 3D digital butterfly museum, and replicable training materials. By involving a wide range of groups, from civil servants to citizens, the project fosters awareness and participation in biodiversity conservation efforts across Europe.

Visit the project website to
Performing arts in a new era: AI and XR tools for better understanding, preservation, enjoyment and accessibility (PREMIERE)
Funded by: Horizon 2020 (HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01-04)

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Started: Oct 2022 , Will be ending: Sep 2025

The project «PREMIERE» (Performing arts in a new era: AI and XR tools for better understanding, preservation, enjoyment and accessibility) seeks to modernize the performing arts focusing on dance and theater by using advanced digital technologies to support the whole lifecycle of performances. The overall objective of PREMIERE is to develop and validate a comprehensive ecosystem of digital applications, powered by leading edge AI, XR and 3D technologies, designed to fulfill the needs of diverse end-user communities involved in the main stages of the lifecycle of performing arts productions.

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Dance Digitization
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Efstathios Stavrakis, Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Started: Jun 2012

Partners: University of Cyprus

Cyprus has a long and rich history of dance tradition which unfortunately, year after year, tends to be forgotten; thus, it is our duty to help documenting and disseminating our dance heritage to the younger generations. In this work, we aim to preserve the Cypriot folk dance heritage, creating a state-of-the-art publicly accessible digital archive of folk dances. Our dance library, apart from the rare video materials that are commonly used to document dance performances, utilises three dimensional motion capture technologies (with metadata) to record and archive high quality motion data of expert dancers. 

Motion Capture Database

Completed Projects

DEep MOtioN SynThesis foR character AnimaTION (DEMONSTRATION)
Funded by: Research and Innovation center, University of Cyprus

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Anastasios Yiannakidis, Andreas Lazarou, Christina-Georgia Serghides

Started: Sep 2021 , Ended: Dec 2023

Partners: University of Cyprus

The project «DEep MOtioN SynThesis foR character AnimaTION (DEMONSTRATION)» covers a wide range of multidisciplinary topics that are in line with the recent tendencies in computer graphics, character animation, and virtual reality. It aims at investigating modern trends in machine (deep, convolutional, adversarial, and reinforcement) learning, with ultimate target to provide ingenious solutions for overcoming the current limitations in character animation, and essentials for future improvements in a wide range of ambitious and challenging projects.

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Advancing the motion capture technoLogy viA DistributeD wIreless Networks (ALADDIN)
Funded by: Cyprus Seeds and the CYENS Centre of Excellence

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Anastasios Yiannakidis

Started: Dec 2020 , Ended: May 2022

Partners: University of Cyprus, CYENS Centre of Excellence

Motion capture is a technology used for turning the observations of a moving subject into 3D position and orientation information, stimulating our ability to define and virtually portray complex movements. The ALADDIN project aims at the development of such a technology that goes beyond conventional methods, is cost-effective, and minimizes the risks associated with capturing in dynamic situations. The proposed system is easily scalable and intrinsic, in the sense that measurements are not taken by external devices, enabling efficient capturing in outdoor environments, with state-of-the-art acquisition accuracy.

Cyprus Seeds Leaflet
Creating Lively Interactive Populated Environments (CLIPE)
Funded by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860768

Lab Participants: Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Andreas Aristidou, Nefeli Andreou, Marilena Lemonari

Started: Mar 2020 , Ended: Feb 2024

Partners: University of CyprusUniversitat Politecnica de CatalunyaINRIAUniversity College LondonTrinity College DublinMax Planck Institute for Intelligent SystemsKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyEcole PolytechniqueSilversky3d

The primary objective of CLIPE is to train a generation of innovators and researchers in the field of virtual characters simulation and animation. Advances in technology are pushing towards making VR/AR worlds a daily experience. Whilst virtual characters are an important component of these worlds, bringing them to life and giving them interaction and communication abilities requires highly specialized programming combined with artistic skills, and considerable investments: millions spent on countless coders and designers to develop video-games is a typical example. The research objective of CLIPE is to design the next-generation of VR-ready characters.

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Advancing site level management through innovative reptiles' tracking and behavioural decryption (ReTrack)
Funded by: European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou

Started: Dec 2018 , Ended: May 2021

Partners: University of Cyprus, Terra Cypria, Open University of CyprusMinistry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

ReTrack aims to tackle the problem of animal monitoring and habitat utilization, specifically designed for small-sized reptiles. It will advance the scientific knowledge in the fields of (a) reptile locomotion, (b) behavioral analysis, and (c) conservation, through the development of innovative monitoring techniques and approaches. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology in remote sensing, advanced photogrammetry and image pattern recognition, ReTrack aims to create fine-scale micro-habitat utilization maps for two common Cypriot species, a lizard (Stellagama stellio) and a snake (Dolichophis jugularis), thus advancing site level management through the designing of more targeted, species based management and conservation actions.

More details about Graphics Virtual Reality involvement in the project can be found at the behavioral analysis section of the project.

Visit the ReTrack website...
Safeguarding the Cultural HEritage of Dance through Augmented Reality (SCHEDAR)
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation through JPI on Cultural Heritage

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Efstathios Stavrakis, Anastasios Yiannakidis, Andreas Andreou, Christos Othonos

Started: Jun 2018 , Ended: Nov 2021

Partners: University of CyprusAlgolysis Ltd,  University of Warwick,  University Rennes 2,  University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

SCHEDAR aims to contribute in the safeguarding of our Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), and more specifically folk dancing, by providing novel solutions to the three key challenges of archiving, reusing & repurposing, and ultimately disseminating ICH creations. A comprehensive set of new guidelines will be devised, and a framework and software tools for leveraging existing ICH motion databases. Data acquisition will be undertaken holistically; encompassing data related to the performance, the performer, the kind of the dance, the hidden/untold story, etc. Innovative use of state-of-the-art multisensory Augmented Reality technology will be used to enable direct interaction with the dance, providing new experiences and training in traditional dance.
An Artificial Neural Network Framework for understanding historical monuments Architectural Structure and Style (ANNFASS)
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Lab Participants: Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Melinos Averkiou

Started: Jun 2018 , Ended: Nov 2021

The ability to reason about the structure and the style of a monument is therefore of great importance to cultural heritage experts, as it can assist them in analysing and cataloguing it. This framework is composed of a neural network that can segment monuments into architectural components, a neural network that can detect the style of a monument and a shape grammar extraction and comparison method.

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Become a Successful Entrepreneur (BASE)
Funded by: EU Horizon 2020 Erasmus+

Lab Participants: Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Started: Jun 2015 , Ended: May 2016

Energy Efficient Graphics Algorithms for Mobile Devices (ENERGA)
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Lab Participants: Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Started: Oct 2013 , Ended: Apr 2015

A State-of-the-Art VR CAVE facility for the Advancement of Multi-Disciplinary Research & Development in Cyprus
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2012 , Ended: 2014

The VR-CAVE project addresses these technological limitations and difficulties and seeks the solution in the establishment of the first state-of-the-art VR (Virtual Reality) CAVE (Computer Automated Virtual Environment) for facilitating the advancement of multi-disciplinary research and development in Cyprus.

VR Cave
Reconstruction of everyday life in the 19th century Nicosia (RECONLIFE)
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2012 , Ended: 2014

The aim of the proposed study is to present a unique insight to the everyday life of the city of Nicosia; the study concerns both the socio- economic identity of its people and the spatial organization of its buildings within the walls of the city during the turn of the 19th century. The core of the information is drawn from the archives of the Land Registry Department in Nicosia and the first ever land survey conducted in the city and headed by Lord Kitchener in the 1880’s. These documents in their whole had not been researched or published before and are now in neglect.

Project website
Visual Dance Performance for Interactive Characters (ViDaPe)
Funded by: the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation

Lab Participants: Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou

Started: 2012 , Ended: 2015

Partners: University of Cyprus, Solipsism dance school (Anna Charalambous)

This project aims at generating a virtual animated character that interacts, in real-time, with a real dancing performer to compose a contemporary dancing show. The proposed research will explore innovative topics with special interest in the area of computer animation, including methods which smoothly combine optical motion capture (mocap) data with kinematic techniques, human figure modelling, a novel methodology for motion classification and partial-body motion synthesis. The system will be adjusted dynamically according to the performers' actions and responses, offering the maximum possible interaction between the natural and virtual performer. Similar techniques can be adapted to the game industry, possibly for military or local law enforcement training simulators or other virtual character animations.

Project website
HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting
Funded by: EU COST Action IC1005

Started: 2011 , Ended: 2015

Widespread uptake of HDR requires common interface standards. Currently they do not exist. There are isolated pockets of high-quality HDR endeavour across Europe, but not a co-ordinated approach. 2009 saw the appearance the first commercial HDR display and the world’s first HDR video camera. These European-led developments reinforce the timeliness of developing HDR standards and the special position Europe is in to lead the rapid acceleration of future HDR developments and market penetration. This COST Action (HDRi) assembles leading academic and industrial researchers and practitioners to propose a set of standards for the complete HDR pipeline and establish Europe firmly as the world leader in HDR.

Illumination Neutralisation With Application in Tracking
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2010 , Ended: 2012


University of Cyprus, SIAT, Cyprus University of Technology

The main scientific objective of the project is to introduce computer graphics techniques into solving a specific computer vision problem. It will make use of the latest advancements in capturing technology and in graphics illumination algorithms to produce a novel illumination neutralization technique. Objects shall emerge in appearance that is independent from the lighting conditions of the scene. The process shall be optimized in terms of timing constraints to permit its utilization in real-time systems. The system shall be robust eliminating the difficulties imposed by illumination variations. The method to be produced can be exploited in different types of applications that employ tracking of moving objects. In such systems, the tracking procedure may fail in circumstances during which lighting conditions exhibit a rapid modification or variation. This often results in failure of the object tracking procedure, as the data information used for tracking is highly correlated to the instant lighting conditions during the initial object registration. The proposed system shall set the appearance of scene elements remain unaffected from occasional different lighting conditions, removing the ambiguity that light variations cause to the success of the tracking mechanism.

Mobile AR-Assisted Maintenance
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2010 , Ended: 2012

AR can be used to systematically maintain, upgrade and optimize the functionality of increasingly complex machines. But for AR to be truly useful in the industrial environment, it must be accessible and readily available where it is needed. ARMES (Augmented Reality for Maintenance Service Enhancer) is one of the few companies worldwide that offers AR maintenance solutions. Its current system is based on personal computers (PCs).
This program proposes the extension of ARMES technology to mobile devices and its main objectives are: 1) The development of an AR platform (MainViz mobile) for mobile devices that will combine: (a) Real-time 3D rendering of complex models, and (b) Vision and augmented reality algorithms for mobile devices specializing in detecting incorrect actions during predefined maintenance procedures. 2) Application of tests and documentation of the system in the construction industry in order to optimize the process of changing molds in the machines for injection of thermoplastic materials. This project will be implemented through a network of cooperation consisting of three, more competent, collaborating bodies: two Cypriot Small and Medium (SMEs) and a research organization, with mutual benefits for all three: 1) The company ARMES will expand its range of industrial maintenance products in the field of mobile devices and will create basic technology with a wide range of possible future applications. 2) The technology developed at the University of Cyprus (PK) will have the possibility of wide recognition through publications but also through the perspective of its future use by domestic companies. 3) The Cypriot company Elysee Irrigation Ltd will raise the awareness of its staff regarding the process under investigation and at the same time will get acquainted with the innovative technology. In the long run, it may be able to apply a similar solution to all of its factory processes.

Virtual Reality Police Simulator (SIM.POL.VR)
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: Dec 2009 , Ended: Nov 2011

SimPol VR (Synthesis of Dynamic Characters with motion capture data for human figure animation: Educating the police force) is a research project funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation in the area of Computer Graphics and more specifically in the sub-area of Human Body Animation. The project focuses in investigating the usability and applicability of Virtual Reality in training special forces. It proposes the development of a platform using Computer Graphics techniques (as oppossed to the existing video-based system that is restrictive), for the creation of a 3D Visualisation Tool enriched with tools suitable for the formation and customisation of dynamic scenarios. The proposed platform will be used as a simulator for training purposes by the Cyprus Police Emergency Response Unit. The user of the platform will be able to fully participate, act and interact with the environment. To achieve the above, research will be carried out in the area of Computer Animation for realistic avatar movement as well as the realistic and dynamic change of facial expressions. Smoothing of the surfaces on the avatar models used is another area that will be targeted by this project work. Researchers from Frederick University, the University of Cyprus, P.A. College, the University of Nicosia and abroad will be involved as well as acting trainers from the Cyprus Police Emergency Response Unit.

Mediterranean Harbors – Ships And The Sea: The Invisible Routes
Funded by: EU Interreg III B Archimed

Started: 2009 , Ended: 2010

The project "Mediterranean harbors, ships and sea: the invisible routes", which was created in the framework of the Community Initiative INTERREG ARCHIMED COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROGRAMME INTERREG III B ARCHIMED 2000-2006, was designed and implemented by the Foundation of the Hellenic World (coordinating institution) in cooperation with the Municipal Museum “Thalassa” in Ayia Napa, the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus and the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo in Italy.
The project’s objective is the development of Virtual Reality infrastructures and communal content based on the history of the Mediterranean harbors, the ships and the sea routes, as well as the intelligent techniques of sea attack and defense in antiquity.

Project website (Harbors)
Cyprus Food Virtual Museum
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2009 , Ended: 2010

Partners: University of Cyprus, Harokopion University, PrimeTel, Gasteraia

The basic goal of this project is the preservation of the gastronomical heritage of Cyprus

Cyprus Virtual Food Museum Website
Reconstructing Nicosia

Started: 2008 , Ended: 2009

SURFDATA: Surface reconstruction from unorganized datasets
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2008 , Ended: 2009

Scoliosis 2: Experimental photogrammetric system for diagnosis of scoliosis
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2008 , Ended: 2010

Leventio Municipal Museum
Funded by: Leventio Municipal Museum

Started: 2007 , Ended: 2008

Partners: University of Cyprus, Leventio Municipal Museum

During this project two interactive installations were created and placed on permanent display in the Leventio Museum of Nicosia: a multi-touch table showing in 3D the fortifications of Nicosia over the centuries and VR system allowing a walkthrough of different parts of the Town in the 19th century.

Leventio Museum
Scoliosis: Automatic photogrammetry methods for diagnosis and follow-up of scoliosis
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2005 , Ended: 2008

Partners: GeoImaging Ltd , UCY- Computer Science Dept , University of Thessaloniki - Department of Cadastre, Photogrammetry & Cartography , Private Clinic K. Kontozis , Dr. Thanasis Zavitsanakis, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Private Researcher

Automatic photogrammetry methods for diagnosis and follow-up of scoliosis.

Scoliosis Website
KIKIPEZ: Network of excellence on VR and VE applications for future workspaces
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2005 , Ended: 2007

Partners: UCY , Frederick Institute of Technology, The Bartlet (UCL)

The aim of the project is to develop novel navigation methods for dense crowd and to complement them with novel animation methods suitable with dense crowd.

Project website
Tonemap: High fidelity images for a VR system with application to military training
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2005 , Ended: 2007

Partners: Cyprus Ministry of defense , Intercollege , UCY , VR Media , University of Bristol

High fidelity images for a VR system with application to military training

Tonemap Web
REALISM: A framework for realistic avatars
Funded by: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation

Started: 2004 , Ended: 2005

Intuition: Network of excellence on VR and VE applications for future workspaces
Funded by: EU IST, Framework 6, Network of Excellence

Started: 2004 , Ended: 2008

Network of Excellence on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environment Applications for Future Workspaces.

Project website
CREATE: Constructivist Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural heritage
Funded by: EU IST, Framework 5

Started: 2002 , Ended: 2005

Partners: UCY, INRIA, University College of London, Realviz, Percro, Foundation of Hellenic World, University of Cyprus, CSTB

The CREATE project (Constructivist Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage) aims to develop a mixed-reality framework that will enable highly interactive real-time construction and manipulation of virtual worlds based on real data sources, resulting in experiences that couple realism and interactivity.

Project Website at UCL